15 Oct Gabbs Tower
The underground Gabbs test was planned for early 1993 at the Nevada Test Site, but it was cancelled when a moratorium on testing came into effect in October 1992....
The underground Gabbs test was planned for early 1993 at the Nevada Test Site, but it was cancelled when a moratorium on testing came into effect in October 1992....
From the Monastery Observation Post the subsidence craters at the northern end of Yucca Flats are barely visible. Pan right, and the sands of Frenchman Flats may be seen in the far distance....
On May 8, 1953, a B-50 bomber dropped a 27-kiloton nuclear device from 19,000 feet. Detonating at 2,323 feet, the bomb blew sections of the trestle from its foundation and bent the girders....
A 104 kiloton thermonuclear explosion on July 6, 1962 created Sedan Crater. At 1,214 ft in diameter and 330 ft deep, Sedan is the largest nuclear-caused crater in the United States....