30 Mar Truckee River Bike Path
The Truckee River Bike Path, a scenic recreational destination for both bikes and pedestrians, has segments beginning at Mayberry Park. It runs continuously from west of Chrissie Caughlin Park eastward along the Truckee River through downtown Reno and all the way to the eastern end of the city of Sparks, past Vista Blvd. This trail is approximately 12 miles in length, and passes many parks and recreational areas. It goes along the river through downtown Reno, through industrial areas, wetlands and marshes. There are numerous places to enter or exit the trail along the route. Click on any of the 27 red targets to enter a virtual-reality view of the scene at that location. Click the “M” button to hide the map.
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Posted at 11:43h, 09 AugustI rode this trail from Mayberry Park to Downtown Reno and could not any signs or paths to head farther east out of Downtown.
Can someone tell me how to go further east?
Howard Goldbaum
Posted at 10:53h, 11 SeptemberThe bike path continues, along the Truckee River, behind the National Automobile Museum.
Posted at 20:43h, 01 JuneI just rode this stretch today and it was lovely from veteran’s to past the McCarren bridge. Then came garbage everywhere, broken glass on the path’s and tents, people all over doing drugs and offering me unwelcome commentary including a guy on a bike following me until I pulled out my phone and said I was calling the cops. I saw drug paraphanalia all over and under the low bridge which is rather dark I had to get off my bike due to all of the debris, glass etc and there were a bunch of guys hiding in there and sexual activity. It was awful and creepy this was a lovely ride that made me sick to my stomach by the end of it. Reno, you need to deal with this now, it is terrible and unusable there is no way I’m taking my kids on that path, and my own safety is questionable. The glass was broken on the paths for a reason to get folks to stop in the dark tunnel. NOT COOL.
Posted at 13:25h, 31 AugustI just did this ride today, not a bad ride as every claims out to be. On one note, the homeless don’t really bother anyone while you ride. What you will find is clumps of regular folk taking up both lanes with no room to pass.
Posted at 13:26h, 08 Maythis trail would be great if you didn’t have to ride through the multitude of homeless encampments with the smell of defecation, urine, and the local dump. On the plus side if you are a tent camper, you get to see which brands and models hold up in the elements. I would stick to the marina for walking/biking or go somewhere remote or pretty like tahoe.
Posted at 20:44h, 01 JuneThey don’t bother you because you’re a guy.
Posted at 09:11h, 19 MarchI am visiting from out of town and came here specifically to ride the bike trails. The downtown area is not clearly marked & all the mentally ill & homeless people on the Trail do not make this an inviting ride.
Richard Miller
Posted at 19:16h, 01 JuneI, like so many others, ride the Truckee River Path frequently and lately I have noticed a lot of broken glass on the path just a little east of Wells Avenue. I was just wondering who’s responsible for cleaning it up. I got a flat from it and I know of others who have also. If I would have access to a broom I would have swept it up myself. It would be a big help if someone would look into the matter because a lot of bicyclists are having a problem with it right now. I didn’t know who to get in touch with on this matter so I hope that this comment reaches the right people. Thank you.
Pingback:Hiking and Biking Series, Pt. 3: Reno Riverwalk
Posted at 16:45h, 08 July[…] And here’s a bit of local knowledge for those feeling adventurous and want to go off the beaten path: If you take the Reno Riverwalk path from downtown Reno toward Idlewild Park, and keep on the Idlewild Park path and head west, you’ll eventually get to Mayberry Park! (Portions of it are in neighborhoods and along a main road, and also connect to the Truckee Bike Path.) […]