07 Nov Hamilton
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Once the center of a mining district of 25,000 people, Hamilton now sits deserted ten miles off Hwy. 50 in White Pine County, between Eureka and Ely. Large-scale discoveries of silver at nearby Treasure Hill in 1868 created an instant, but short lived, boomtown. In 1868-1869 some 10,000 people moved into huts and caves at elevations up to 10,500 feet above sea level. In addition to its many saloons, breweries and general stores, the town soon had theaters, dance halls, a Miners’ Union Hall, and skating rinks. But the surface silver soon ran out, and fires in 1872 and 1885 destroyed much of the fading town.
Click here to see the location in Google Maps.
Lawrence Candel
Posted at 13:03h, 17 JuneWas planning a trip to hit the back roads of Nevada exploring geological anomalies, nugget shooting, looking at the ghost town ruins. A few years back I did find some ruins off all the ghost town maps, but didn’t have my detector with me.