Black Rock Artist’s Palette

Black Rock Artist’s Palette

While its namesake in Death Valley National Park gets all the attention, this multicolored formation  (which I named) on the long road from Soldier Meadows to Hardin City is seldom visited. This is one of those wonderful way-in-the-outback Nevada roads that meanders through landscapes alternately forlorn and breathtaking. You will likely not see another vehicle all day. It’s a good idea to have a second spare tire, or an emergency inflation aerosol can. And lots of water.


Click and drag to explore the Black Rock Artist’s Palette.

Click here to see the location in Google Maps.


  • Kevin McG
    Posted at 23:47h, 01 July Reply

    Nice panorama — I love the colors!

    I’m very familiar with the region, having explored Black Rock, Soldier Meadows and High Rock for the past decade, but haven’t been to Hardin city – I (was just out at Black Rock last week). One important note thing — the location you show on Google maps is not correct! The actual location is 10-15 miles north of what you show on the map!


  • Tony Albanese
    Posted at 19:23h, 03 January Reply

    Awesome picture have been on this road, when headihg to the Lassen Clapper murder site. Quad trip that took us over 150 miles of riding from the North end of the Black Rock tthrough Fly Canyon High Rock Canyon and points beyond.

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