29 Oct New and Old Ruth
In 1902 the discovery of an immense source of copper ore lead to the founding of Ruth, a company town just west of Ely in White Pine County. Its mining boom rivaled the bonanzas of precious metals on the western side of the state. The tailings of the mammoth Liberty Pit copper mine loom over modern-day Ruth, whose Commercial Club Bar & Grill opens this VR tour. The community was known as a “traveling town,” moving five times to accommodate the expanding mining operations. Remnants of one of the earlier incarnations of the town can be seen atop the tailings behind the white building on the right side of the second panorama.
Click here to see the location in Google Maps.
Ces Barraza
Posted at 18:06h, 17 JanuaryI’m interested to visiting Ruth when in Nevada. The town interested me since reading Desperation by Stephen King. I hope the residents do not take offence to this.
Posted at 11:21h, 02 OctoberWHOA! This MARVELOUS! I don’t know who you are, but thank you for this picture. I was actualy looking to see if there could be a picture of Old Ruth somewhere. We lived on No. 9 Hill until we had to move the house over the hill to New Ruth.
Any help in that regard, and even more pictures like this of New Ruth would be wonderful.