24 Mar Sacatone Overlook
Near the eastern edge of San Diego County, the Sacatone Overlook is about 70 miles east of San Diego, within the 38,692 acres of the McCain Valley Resource Conservation Area. From the top of the cliff the view looks down on Carrizo Gorge, the narrow southern section of Carrizo Canyon. If you look across the gorge, you can see a portion of the San Diego and Arizona Railway also referred to as “The Impossible Railroad“.
The gigapixel panorama linked below shows the “Seven Sisters” trestles of the railroad in Carrizo Gorge, as seen from the Sacatone Overlook. The Salton Sea can be seen far in the distance. Zoom in to find the tunnels and the wrecked freight cars below one of the trestles.
Near the eastern edge of San Diego County, the Sacatone Overlook is about 70 miles east of San Diego, within the 38,692 acres of the McCain Valley Resource Conservation Area. From the top of the cliff the view looks down on Carrizo Gorge, the narrow southern section of Carrizo Canyon. If you look across the gorge, you can see a portion of the San Diego and Arizona Railway also referred to as “The Impossible Railroad“.
The gigapixel panorama below shows the “Seven Sisters” trestles of the railroad in Carrizo Gorge, as seen from the Sacatone Overlook.
To explore the scene in detail, click the full screen button on the right of the toolbar below the image, and then zoom in by clicking in the image, or by using the buttons provided.
The Salton Sea can be seen far in the distance. Zoom in to find the tunnels and the wrecked freight cars below one of the trestles.
The Sacatone Overlook is located on Sacatone Spring Road, which leaves McCain Valley Road 2.8 miles north of Old Highway 80. You may see the location of the Sacatone Overlook in a satellite view.
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