20 Dec Stewart Indian School
From 1890 until it closed in 1980, the Stewart Indian School in Carson City was the only off-reservation boarding school in Nevada for Native American children. Taken from Nevada and throughout the West, the children were forced to attend the institution through secondary school age. Students came from many tribes including the Nevada-based Washoe and Paiute tribes. The VR tour also includes a link to the Stewart cemetery, where the grave of noted Washoe basket weaver Dat-So-La-Lee is located. See the Dat-So-La-Lee basket at the bottom of this page. Each interior panorama in this feature includes an audio remembrance from a Stewart alumnus or worker. Audio is used courtesy of the State of Nevada Indian Commission, whose website offers a more complete audio tour.
Click here to see the location in Google Maps.
Historic Stewart Indian School photographs courtesy of the Nevada State Museum.

Dat-So-La-Lee basket "Magic Arrow Hunter." Click to rotate. VR by Sydney Martinez and Howard Goldbaum. See the original at the Nevada Historical Society.
Glenndo Johns the
Posted at 21:23h, 05 FebruaryGraduated Stewart 1966. Had many great friends at school. Will remember the school and everyone for a long long time.
Victoria lewis
Posted at 18:58h, 13 NovemberMy mother went to school here her name Esther K Lewis …she was born in 1957 ..she was separated from her family at a young age and was the only one out of 14 children to attend school here..She died in 2003 age 47
Victoria lewis
Posted at 19:02h, 13 NovemberShe joined the Navy in 75 age 18 ..she had several story’s she was editor of there news paper .. Poor my mom
Raymond Redner
Posted at 12:57h, 20 OctoberMy Step dad Raymond James Redner was a student there from1937-1944. Not really sure when he arrived but, we figure around 1937. Also from my understanding he won golden gloves. I have made a trip there to find out information but, from my understanding they didnt keep a list of who went to school there. We were hoping that we could find a picture of him. His children have know pictures of him when he was 16 years and under. He was a good man and had fond memories of Stewart School.
Jean Morrow
Posted at 20:24h, 02 SeptemberLoved the note about Fredrick Snyder starting the colorful stonework at Stewart. He was my grandfather,
a wonderful man. He died in 1962 at the age of 95 I do believe. I was 10 years old when he died and
he lived with us at the time. I have many fond memories of him. He also had a beautiful stone house
built at Zephyr Cove back in the 1920’s which is still in the family.
Naomi Moran
Posted at 10:48h, 22 FebruaryJean,
My name is Naomi Moran and I work at the Shared History Project at the University of Nevada-Reno. I am trying to do a project about your grandfather and I’m looking for more sources and information. I was wondering if you would be willing to speak with me about your experiences, or if you would be willing to share any more information you have on the life of your grandfather. I know I’m reaching here, but anything would really help me out. If you are willing, please let me know by replying, and I’ll share my information with you to get in touch.
Thanks so much, I really hope we can get in touch soon.
Naomi Moran
Gale Levenson
Posted at 16:11h, 20 JuneThis is a wonderful educational site. I went to the Pow-Wow yesterday, 6/19/11, and it was wonderful too. The buildings and grounds are beautiful, the stonework is amazing. Getting inside to look around on this website is very interesting; too bad it is in decay. Thank you to whoever set up this wonderful website!!
nancy mcdarment
Posted at 20:18h, 21 DecemberVery interested in reviewing pics. My dad the late Joe Vera along with hi s sisters Lydia, Jenny and Louise along with brother George attended Stewert as well as Sherman in the early 1930/40.
Maureen Argon
Posted at 10:59h, 09 OctoberGreat website, love that you can enter the buildings. Wonderful information on such a important Nevada historical site.