22 Dec American Flat Mill
The ruins of the United Comstock Merger Mill at American Flat were demolished in late 2014. This 137-node virtual-reality tour was photographed from August to December of 2014....
The ruins of the United Comstock Merger Mill at American Flat were demolished in late 2014. This 137-node virtual-reality tour was photographed from August to December of 2014....
Tonopah’s Central Nevada Museum, founded in 1981, features an outdoor exhibit including an old west town where visitors can explore miners’ cabins, a saloon, and a blacksmith shop....
The abandoned mill buildings in Toulon date from 1892. The main building housed a ball mill used to process tungsten as well as precious metals....
Discovered in 1869, the rich veins of silver and gold at Ruby Hill soon attracted enough miners to grow a rough camp into a real town....
Once the center of a mining district of 25,000 people, Hamilton now sits deserted ten miles off Hwy. 50 in White Pine County, between Eureka and Ely....
In 1876 Ward was the largest town in White Pine County. The Ward ores required the high burning temperature of charcoal for milling, therefore these charcoal ovens were constructed....
In 1902 the discovery of an immense source of copper ore lead to the founding of Ruth. Its mining boom rivaled the bonanzas of precious metals on the western side of the state....
When gushing hot water threatened the production of the deeper Virginia City mines, Adolph Sutro offered an audacious solution. He would build a tunnel from Dayton up to the Comstock’s mines....
The Tonopah Historic Mining Park is located on the site of the original mining claims of 1900 that started the rush to Tonopah....
Between 1907 and 1910 the gold mines of Searchlight produced $7 million, but today it is best known as the home town of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid....
With its riches first located in 1859, the Chollar Mine (later the Chollar-Potosi) was one of the leading producers on the Comstock. ...
Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park is at 7,000 feet on the western slope of central Nevada's Shoshone mountain range. Berlin saw its heyday in 1908, diminishing to nothing by 1911. ...