Soldier Meadows Hot Springs

Soldier Meadows Hot Springs

The hillsides west of Soldier Meadows Ranch rise up gently to the Applegate emigrant trail up through High Rock Canyon. Along the way there are several hot spring features that must’ve been a welcome respite for the gold-seekers’ wagon trains during the middle of the nineteenth century. It was just as welcome to a modern traveler today.


Click and drag to explore one of the Soldier Meadows hot springs.

Click here to see the location in Google Maps.


  • Adrian
    Posted at 19:15h, 09 February Reply

    The 3 of us guys went in April ’16 and it was really nice, we went to the fort and saw that, the history their was awsome! We’re going back with our family and enjoy the nature and the hot springs, we will bring our quads to get around easier and faster, so much to see and do their cant wait to go back, were from Sacramento so we will stay for 5 days lol

  • terry kauffman
    Posted at 20:33h, 13 May Reply

    We have been to Soldier Meadows before. 2012. We would like to camp near the hot springs a few days the week of may 26. Do we still check in at the ranch? we have 16 ft self contained camper. please let us know . terry and pat

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