21 Jan The Virginia City Coach
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Once the rolling home of eccentric writers Lucius Beebe and his partner Charles Clegg, the Virginia City railcar began its life in 1928 as the Pullman car Crystal Peak. After its purchase by Clegg in 1954 the car was redone in “Venetian Renaissance Baroque” style by a Hollywood set designer. Antique furnishings valued at $375,000 were imported from Europe for the interior. More information may be found at the official website. While making these photographs we were treated to a ride on the car’s observation platform while it was turned around in the Union Pacific’s rail yard in Sparks. The video can be seen below.
Robert Bollinger
Posted at 18:32h, 12 MayOne of the BEST Experiences Ever,
What a Blessing to Be Able to Share in a Magnificent Moment in History, and to Be Welcomed With Genuine Hospitality. Highly Recommend to Charter. Thank You So Very Much, RB
Bradley Ogden
Posted at 14:33h, 04 MarchI was VERY impressed with the car, inside and out. Very beautiful.
Ben Heine
Posted at 05:36h, 30 JulyNow I can see all the work the guys went through producing this. Very impressive.
Posted at 10:49h, 11 FebruaryThe virtual tour is amazing! I traveled with Wade when I was a little girl, shortly after he purchased the VC. It looks just as I remember it. Beautiful car! Now I need to let my children experience it. Hopefully, that will happen one day.
– Michelle
Ken Rattenne
Posted at 13:48h, 02 FebruaryExcellently done. I was the other photographer/videographer on the January 2011 trip and met you and your lady friend. When the initial tour was posted it required a plugin that did not play nice with my browser. I see that you have solved the technical clitches. When I first proposed the idea of a virtual tour to the Virginia City folks and to Jim Loehse, THSI is what I had in mind!!
— Ken
Posted at 14:02h, 04 FebruaryVery glad you liked it! Thanks you.